Welcome to Ramos Family Outdoors, Vegetable Gardening, and Computers

Join us on our journey as we share our passion for gardening, camping, fishing, and technology. Whether you're a beginner or experienced enthusiast, there's something for everyone on our blog.

Testing underway!

I just got in the R36S handheld game console from Temu. I'm currently testing it to give an honest review of it. Stay tuned!

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AMD FX 6300 Build

I've always been fascinated with the AMD FX processor. Yes it earned a bad reputation due to its performance and heat issues, but I don't care. It's a piece of computer history and I finally got to build one.

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Fishing and Computers

What two things could be anymore different? I want this blog to be about the different things that me and my family love. There will be other things besides the outdoors and computers that I might post about. This truly is a miscellaneous blog.

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Our First Post

Welcome to our blog! Bare with me as I'm just now getting this up and running. This is going to be an adventure!

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About us

Ramos Family Outdoors, Vegetable Gardening, and Computers is a family-run blog dedicated to providing valuable information and resources on outdoor activities, gardening tips, and computer technology. Our goal is to inspire and educate our readers on how to make the most of their time outdoors, in the garden, and with technology.